
Getting Started

Setting Up

const { Twitch } = require("@elara-services/twitch");
const twitch = new Twitch("YOUR_CLIENT_ID", "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET");

GET: User(s)

    const res = await twitch.user([ "tfue" ]); // This can be either their login_name or their user ID 
if (!res.status) return res.message; // When 'status' is false message is always provided.
console.log(res); // Returns a 'data' field with an array of found user(s)

GET: Stream(s) by User(s)

    const res = await twitch.stream([ "tfue" ]); // This can be either their login_name or their user ID 
if (!res.status) return res.message; // When 'status' is false message is always provided.
console.log(res); // Returns a 'data' field with an array of found user(s)

GET: Fetch Both

    const res = await twitch.fetchAll([ "tfue" ]); // This can be either their login_name or their user ID 
if (!res.status) return res.message; // When 'status' is false message is always provided.
console.log(res); // Returns both (streams) and (users) fields with an array of found data


[If you want an example look in the GitHub repo -> twitch-ts -> examples]

Setup the stream client:

    const { Stream } = require(`@elara-services/twitch`);
const stream = new Stream("YOUR_CLIENT_ID", "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET");

STREAM: Add user(s):

    // Multiple:

// Single:

STREAM: Remove user(s):

    // Multiple: 

// Single:

STREAM: List user(s):

    const list = stream.users.list();
console.log(list); // Returns an array of strings of the user's names or ids added.

STREAM: Set Timer:

    stream.setTimer(5); // Set the stream to search for new/update/ended live streams every 5 minutes. 
// By default the stream searches every 6 minutes.

STREAM: Toggle Default Announcements:

    // SET
stream.setToggle("live"); // This will turn on/off the default announcements for all users.
stream.setToggle("update"); // This will turn on/off the default announcement updates for all users.
stream.setToggle("ended"); // This will turn on/off the default announcement ended update for all users.

// VIEW:
stream.toggles; // Returns an object:
// { live: boolean, update: boolean, ended: boolean }
// By default live, update and ended is enabled.

STREAM: Default Announcements:

    // Add default announcements for a user: 
stream.announcements.add("bewitching", [
"discord webhook url"

// Remove default announcements for a user:
// OR remove only a certain webhook from the user:
stream.announcements.remove("bewitching", [
"discord webhook url to remove"

// List all default announcements:
// OR list all webhooks for a certain user:


  • Update and ended live streams will NOT work if the user is no longer in the package's cache (i.e: if you've restarted the process all previous announced live streams will NOT be updated or ended!)

STREAM: Start:

    stream.run(); // This only needs to be called once, then it will automatically fetch the user's streams and let you know when they're live.

STREAM: Get Duration:

    const duration = stream.getDuration(stream);
// OR
const duration = stream.getDuration(stream, "[d]d, h[h], m[m], s[s]"); // Add your custom moment-duration-format option

STREAM: Events:

    // Listen for new live streams: 
stream.live((stream) => {
// Do something with the 'stream' data.
console.log(`[LIVE]: ${stream.user_login}`, stream);

// Listen for updated live streams:
stream.update((oldStream, newStream) => {
// Do something with the updated stream data.
// oldStream: Will contain the data before the update happened.
// newStream: Will contain the updated data.
console.log(`[LIVE:UPDATED]: ${stream.user_login}'s stream got updated`, oldStream, newStream);

// Listen for ended live streams:
stream.ended((stream) => {
// Do something with the ended stream data.
console.log(`[LIVE:ENDED]: ${stream.user_login} is now longer live streaming.`, stream);

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